Title: Professor
Sex: Male
Department: Geophysical and planetary sciences
Tel: 0551-3601233
Email: chuxin@ustc.tsg211.com
Teaching Courses: fluid mechanics, introduction to space science
Research interests: magnetospherical physics, planetary science
Major Publication:
(1)Chen, C. X., and R. A. Wolf, Interpretation of high speed flows in the plasma sheet, J. Geophys. Res., 98, 21409-21419, 1993.
(2)Chen, C. X., and R. A. Wolf, Theory of thin-filament motion in Earth's magnetotail and its application to bursty bulk flows, J.
(3)Chen, C. X., and Keke Zhang, Nonlinear convection in a rotating annulus with a finite gap, Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics, 96,
(4)Chen, C. X., Numerical simulation of the Io-torus-driven radial plasma transport, J. Geophys. Res., 108, A10, 2003.
(5)Chen, C. X., Simulations of field-aligned currents: Application of theory of thin filament motion to Io’s plasma wake, J. Geophys.
(6)Chen, C. X., Theoretical constraints on the cross-tail width of bursty bulk flows, Ann. Geophys., 31, 2179–2192, 2013.
(7)Chen, C. X., Substorm onset: A switch on the sequence of transport from decreasing entropy to increasing entropy, Geophys. Res.
(8)Chen, C. X., and C. -P. Wang, Contribution of patchy reconnection to the ion-to-electron temperature ratio in the Earth's
(9)Chen, C. X., Preservation and variation of ion-to-electron temperature ratio in the plasma sheet in geo-magnetotail. Earth Planet.