Professor Zhang Jie Joined MIT Visiting Committee
Lately Prof. Zhang Jie in the School of Earth and Space Sciences received an invitation letter from Mr. R. Gregory Turner, President of MIT Alumni Association, and Mr. John S. Reed, Chairman of MIT Corporation, to serve as an alumni nominee on MIT Visiting Committee and help the development of institute program in Earth, Atmospheric, & Planetary Sciences. Prof. Zhang is very pleased to accept the appointment. Operating as a advisory group, MIT Visiting Committee provides appraisal, advice, and insight on the academic departments and certain other divisions at MIT. Several university officials including Dr. Susan Hockfield, MIT President, sent congratulatory letters to Prof. Zhang for joining the committee.
MIT visiting committees were established in 1875 to visit and inspect several departments of instruction and other divisions of MIT, and to report thereon from time to time to members of MIT Board. The committee generally includes 17 members, including six MIT Corporation members assigned by the Chairman of the Board, six presidential nominees selected by the President of MIT, and five alumni/ae nominees nominated by the Alumni Association. Prof. Zhang is selected by the MIT Alumni Association. The committee will convene in February 2012 at MIT.
Professor Zhang Jie received his PhD degree in Geophysics from MIT in 1997. During his graduate studies, he worked with many faculty members and research staff, and had 20 papers published. He received the STAR Award presented by the US President.
Above: Prof. Zhang Jie chairs an MIT academic event.