Jie Zhang


Email: jzhang25@ustc.tsg211.com



Professor of Geophysics
USTC President’s Representative – North America
Director of Geophysical Research Institute, USTC
Email: jzhang25@ustc.tsg211.com
Phone: (86)-551-63606113
Office: Room 1123, School of Earth and Space Sciences

1986: BS in Geophysics from USTC
1991: MS in Geophysics from Penn State
1996: PhD in Geophysics from MIT 

1994: United States EPA: STAR Award
1995: United States NSF: Antarctica Service Award
1996: P.N.R.A.(Italy): Antarctica Expedition Medal
2012: Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG): 
    Reginald Fessenden Award
2015: Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG):
    Best Educator Award
2015: Ranked 1st among 100 Most Creative People in China
    by US magazine “Fast Company”
2016: SEG Honorary Lecturer in South and East Asia

Work Experience
Previously worked at Shell, USGS, Blackhawk Geometrics, developing and applying geophysical imaging technologies for scientific research and for oil and gas exploration. 
1998: Founded GeoTomo in Louisville, CO.
1999: Founded Miles Medical in Beijing and San Francisco, CA.
2009-2011: Teaching at MIT and Stanford.
2011-Present: Returned to China and joined USTC.
2016: Founded Cello Therapeutics Inc. in San Diego, CA.

Society and Committee: 
2010-2014: Board Director, SEG Global
2011-2013: Chairman, SEG China Advisory Committee
2011-2015: Member, MIT Visiting Committee
2015-2017: Vice President, SEG

Graduate Courses Taught:
At MIT:    12.571 – Near-Surface Geophysical Imaging
At Stanford:  GEOPHYS 242 – Near-Surface Geophysical Imaging
At USTC:   GP15217 – Near-Surface Geophysical Imaging
        GP15200 – Advanced Geophysics

Research Interests:
Near surface geophysics, full waveform inversion, joint inversion,
real-time earthquake monitoring, geophysics search engine. 


Publication and Patents



Interdisciplinary Research Team on Geophysical Studies

Graduate Students

Undrgraduate Students

Stanford-USTC-MIT (SUM) Geophysics Student Camp